Month: June 2012


(1622–1673) Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Works: ◊ Amphitryon (English) ◊ Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince (English) • Don Juan ou Le Festin de pierre (French) • L’Avare ou L’École du mensonge (French) • L’Étourdi ou Les Contretemps (French) • Le Mariage forcé…


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270)


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270)


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270)


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270) Births: • Malatesta, Paolo (c.1246-1285)


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270) Births: • Arnolfo di Cambio (c.1245-c.1310) • Malatesta, Gianciotto (c.1245-1304)


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270)


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270)


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270)


Rulers: • Fernando III, St., King of Castile (1217-1252) • Fernando III, St., King of León and Galicia (1230-1252) • Louis IX, St., King of France (1226-1270)