Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga (1787-1788)

Goya, Francisco de (1746-1828)

Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga
Oil on canvas, 127 x 101.6 cm
Metropolitan Museum of ArtNew York

Outfitted in a splendid red costume, the son of the count and countess of Altamira is shown between a cage of finches and three wide-eyed cats who appear captivated by the boy’s pet magpie. In its beak the magpie holds Goya’s calling card and signature. Goya may have intended this cast of animals as a reminder of the frail boundaries that separate the child’s world from the forces of evil, or as a commentary on the fleeting nature of innocence and youth. Manuel died only a few years after his portrait was painted, at the age of eight. (MET)

See also:

Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga, Manuel (1784-1792)

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