San Francesco d’Assisi (1504-1505)

San Francesco d'Assisi (1504-1505)

Raffaello (1483-1520)

San Francesco d’Assisi (Saint Francis of Assisi)
Oil on wood, 24 x 16 cm
Dulwich Picture GalleryLondon

This panel was originally part of the base (predella) of the Colonna Altarpiece (Pala Colonna).

The Colonna Altarpiece

Raffaello (1483-1520)
Pala Colonna
Metropolitan Museum of ArtNew York



Main panel:

Madonna in trono con santi (1504-1505)Raffaello (1483-1520)
Madonna in trono con santi
Metropolitan Museum of ArtNew York




L'orazione nell'Orto (1504-1505)Raffaello (1483-1520)
L’orazione nell’Orto
Metropolitan Museum of ArtNew York



Raffaello (1483-1520)
Processione al Calvario
National GalleryLondon



Pietà (1504-1505)Raffaello (1483-1520)
Isabella Stewart Gardner MuseumBoston



Sant'Antonio da Padova (1504-1505)Raffaello (1483-1520)
Sant’Antonio da Padova
Dulwich Picture GalleryLondon



Raphael painted this altarpiece around 1504/5 for the Franciscan convent of Sant’Antonio in Perugia. It hung in a part of the church reserved for the nuns, who may have insisted on its conservative details, such as the elaborately clothed Christ. By contrast, the weighty male saints reflect the progressive style developed by Leonardo da Vinci and Fra Bartolomeo that Raphael had just begun to study in Florence. The lunette above the main panel depicts God the Father holding a globe and delivering a blessing between two angels and two seraphim. (MET)