Angelo, Pala Baronci (1500-1501)

Raffaello (1483-1520)

Angelo, Pala Baronci (Angel, Baronci Altarpiece)
Oil on wood, 31 x 27 cm
Pinacoteca Tosio MartinengoBrescia

This painting is a fragment of the Baronci Altarpiece, seriously damaged during an earthquake in 1789.

Pala del beato Nicola da Tolentino, o Pala Baronci (15001501)

This painting was part of the Altarpiece of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino that was to be placed in the chapel of Andrea Baronci in the Church of Saint Augustine in Città di Castello. Today the altarpiece is divided into four parts: the Virgin and the Eternal Father are exhibited at the Capodimonte Museum in Naples and another angel is kept at the Louvre Museum in Paris. (Lombardia Beni Culturali)