Tag: arm

Casa de locos (after 1794)

Goya, Francisco de (1746-1828) Casa de locos (Madhouse) after 1794 Oil on wood, 44.5 × 69.5 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna Compare: Goya, Francisco de (1746-1828) Corral de locos 1794 Meadows Museum, Dallas    

Crouching human couple (1918)

Schiele, Egon (1890-1918) Crouching human couple / The Family (Kauerndes Menschenpaar / Die Familie) 1918 Oil on canvas, 150 × 160.8 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna A man and a woman, both naked, crouch in the darkness of a room. A child…

La Rêveuse (1879)

Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919) La Rêveuse (The Dreamer) 1879 Oil on canvas, 51.1 x 61.9 cm Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis This vibrant, colorful work depicts a young, unidentified model that Pierre Auguste Renoir painted at his studio in the Montmartre district…

L’Italienne (1916)

Matisse, Henri (1869-1954) L’Italienne (The Italian Woman) 1916 Oil on canvas, 116.7 x 89.5 cm Guggenheim Museum, New York Henri Matisse often painted the same subject in versions that range from relatively realistic to more abstract or schematic. At times the transition…

Dans la vanillère, homme et cheval (1891)

Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) Dans la vanillère, homme et cheval (In the Vanilla Grove, Man and Horse) 1891 Oil on jute canvas, 73 x 92 cm Guggenheim Museum, New York Prior to his first voyage to Tahiti in 1891, Paul Gauguin claimed—from a…

Studio per la ‘Madonna del Pesce’ (c.1512-1514)

Raffaello (1483-1520) Studio per la ‘Madonna del Pesce’ (Study for the ‘Madonna del Pesce’) c.1512–1514 Brush and brown wash heightened with white over black chalk on paper, 25.80 x 21.30 cm Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh This drawing shows a very…

Ragazzo con cani in un paesaggio (1565-1576)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Ragazzo con cani in un paesaggio (Boy with Dogs in a Landscape) 1565–1576 Oil on canvas, 99.5 x 117 cm Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam This is the only painting by Titian in a Dutch collection. The Venetian master painted…

La morte di Cleopatra (1648)

Guercino (1591-1666) La morte di Cleopatra (Death of Cleopatra) 1648 Oil on canvas, 173 x 237 cm Palazzo Rosso, Genova This painting, in which Cleopatra is depicted in the act of taking her life, in order not to suffer the shame…