Jane Avril quittant le Moulin Rouge (1893)

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (1864-1901)

Jane Avril quittant le Moulin Rouge (Jane Avril leaving the Moulin Rouge)
Essence on board, 85.7 x 69.9 cm
Wadsworth AtheneumHartford

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was fascinated with a rapidly changing Paris as well as those who lived on the fringes of society at the turn of the twentieth century. In this painting, the famous dancer Jane Avril is seen leaving the Moulin Rouge cabaret where she was a star attraction. Famous for her improvised and energetic dances, either in quadrille or solo, Avril had many admirers among the Parisian bohème. Off stage, she is shown by the artist to be introverted and isolated, with her eyes downcast and hands thrust deep into her pockets, unnoticed by others on the street. With a face that still bears traces of stage makeup, Avril cuts a sharp contrast to the group that has just passed her. Avril was the subject of several studies and posters by Lautrec. As he often did, Lautrec painted this portrait swiftly with vivid dots and sketchy strokes on a simple piece of cardboard. (WA)

See also:

• Avril, Jane (1868-1943)