Category: 19th Century


Rulers: • Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States (1853-1857) • James Buchanan, 15th President of the United States (1857-1861) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Births: • Andrée, Ellen (1857-1925) • Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924) • Franklin, Maud (1857-1939) • Gauthier-Lathuille, Louis (1857-?) • Henriot, Henriette…


Rulers: • Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States (1853-1857) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Banco de España established in Madrid. • National Portrait Gallery founded in London. Births: • Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) • Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925) • Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950) •…


Rulers: • Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States (1853-1857) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister opened in Dresden. Births: • Boch, Eugène (1855-1941) • Damala, Jacques (1855-1889) • De Morgan, Evelyn (1855-1919) • Geffroy, Gustave (1855-1926) •…


Rulers: • Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States (1853-1857) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Barrage Zola completed in Le Tholonet, France. • National Gallery of Ireland founded in Dublin. Births: • Rimbaud, Arthur (1854-1891) • Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900) Literature: • Dickens,…


Rulers: • Millard Fillmore, 13th President of the United States (1850-1853) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Germanisches Nationalmuseum established in Nuremberg. • Musée Fesch established in Ajaccio. • Victoria and Albert Museum founded in London. Births: • Guérard-Gonzalès, Jeanne (1852-1924) • Koelin-Leenhoff, Léon (1852-1927) • Moore, George Augustus (1852-1933) • Schliemann, Sophia…


Rulers: • Zachary Taylor, 12th President of the United States (1849-1850) • Millard Fillmore, 13th President of the United States (1850-1853) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Births: • Fiquet Cézanne, Marie-Hortense (1850-1922) • Loti, Pierre (1850-1923) • Maupassant, Guy de (1850-1893) • Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) Deaths:…


Rulers: • James Knox Polk, 11th President of the United States (1845-1849) • Zachary Taylor, 12th President of the United States (1849-1850) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen established in Rotterdam. Births: • Elzéar, Pierre (1849-1916) • Gonzalès, Eva (1849-1883) • Laurent,…


Rulers: • James Knox Polk, 11th President of the United States (1845-1849) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Cambrai established in Cambrai, France. Births: • Monet, Camille (1847-1879) Deaths: • Zola, François (1796-1847) Music: • Liszt, Franz (1811-1886): Hungarian Rhapsodies…


Rulers: • James Knox Polk, 11th President of the United States (1845-1849) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Staatliche Kunsthalle opened in Karlsruhe. Births: • Charpentier, Georges (1846-1905) • Claus, Fanny (1846-1877) • Hunt, Edith (1846-1931) Literature: • Dickens, Charles (1812-1870): Pictures from Italy…


Rulers: • John Tyler, 10th President of the United States (1841-1845) • James Knox Polk, 11th President of the United States (1845-1849) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Limoges established in Limoges. Births: • Cormon, Fernand (1845-1924) • Gautier, Judith…