Tag: 1431

Caino e Abele (Porta del Paradiso)

Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) Caino e Abele (Cain and Abel) 1425–1452 Gilt bronze Battistero di San Giovanni, Firenze This is the second panel of the Gates of Paradise, with the story of Cain and Abel. See also: Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) Porta del Paradiso 1425–1452…

Adamo ed Eva (Porta del Paradiso)

Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) Adamo ed Eva (Adam and Eve) 1425–1452 Gilt bronze Battistero di San Giovanni, Firenze This is the first panel of the Gates of Paradise, with the story of Adam and Eve. See also: Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) Porta del Paradiso 1425–1452…

Porta del Paradiso (1425-1452)

Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) Porta del Paradiso (Gates of Paradise) 1425–1452 Gilt bronze, 599 × 462 × 245 cm Battistero di San Giovanni, Firenze Damaged during the flood of Florence, the original panels, after having been restored, are kept in the…


Rulers: • Juan II, King of Castile and León (1406-1454) Births: • Borgia, Rodrigo (1431-1503), Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) • Mantegna, Andrea (c.1431-1506) Art: • Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455): Porta del Paradiso (1425-52) • Uccello, Paolo (1397-1475): Santa Monica e due fanciulli…

Andrea Mantegna

(c.1431–1506) The artist’s works: L’Adorazione dei pastori shortly after 1450 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Polittico di San Luca 1453–1454 Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano Madonna col Bambino tra serafini e cherubini c.1454 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Presentazione al Tempio…