Tag: 1440

Porta del Paradiso (1425-1452)

Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) Porta del Paradiso (Gates of Paradise) 1425–1452 Gilt bronze, 599 × 462 × 245 cm Battistero di San Giovanni, Firenze Damaged during the flood of Florence, the original panels, after having been restored, are kept in the…

Crocifissione (c.1440)

Angelico, Fra (c.1395-1455) Crocifissione (The Crucifixion) c.1440 Tempera transferred to canvas, laid down on wood, gold ground, 34 x 50.2 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York To the left of the Crucifixion are shown Saints Monica, her son Augustine, and Peter…

Jorge Manrique

(c.1440–1479) Works: • Coplas por la muerte de su padre (Spanish) Born c.1440 Paredes de Nava (España) Died April 24 1479 Santa María del Campo Rus (España) Occupation Poet Soldier Writer Title Comendador de la Orden de Santiago

Madonna col Bambino (probably 1440s)

Bellini, Jacopo (c.1400-c.1470) Madonna col Bambino (Madonna and Child) probably 1440s Tempera on wood, gold ground, 77.5 x 55.2 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Jacopo Bellini dominated Venetian painting in the middle years of the fifteenth century and…

Madonna in the Church (c.1437-1440)

Van Eyck, Jan (c.1390-1441) Madonna in the Church c.1437–1440 Oil on oak panel, 31.1 x 13.9 cm Gemäldegalerie, Berlin The Madonna in the Church is one of the most beautiful and precious works of art created by Jan van Eyck. Copies…


Rulers: • Cosimo de’ Medici, Signore di Firenze (1434-1464) • Juan II, King of Castile and León (1406-1454) • Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, Signore di Rimini (1432-1468) Births: • Bobadilla, Beatriz de (1440-1511) • Manrique, Jorge (c.1440-1479) Deaths: • Masolino da Panicale (c.1383-c.1440)…

Portrait of a man (c.1438-1440)

Van Eyck, Jan (c.1390-1441) Portrait of a man (from the Arnolfini family?) c.1438–1440 Oil on oak, 30 x 21.6 cm Gemäldegalerie, Berlin The man, whose identity is not indicated by the picture itself, apparently belonged to the middle class, as his…

Crucifixion and Last Judgement Diptych (c.1440-1441)

Van Eyck, Jan (c.1390-1441) & Workshop Crucifixion and Last Judgement Diptych c.1440–1441 Oil on canvas, transferred from wood, 56.5 x 19.7 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The Crucifixion. The Last Judgement. Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, considered Van…

Beatriz de Bobadilla

(1440–1511) Beatriz Fernández de Bobadilla Marquise de Peñalosa Marquise de Moya Beatriz de Bobadilla in Film: Isabel 2012–2014 Director: Jordi Frades Starring: Michelle Jenner, Rodolfo Sancho   Born 1440 Medina del Campo (España) Died January 17 1511 Madrid (España) Father Mosén Pedro de Bobadilla, Alcaide…