Lorenzo di Credi (c.1459-1537) Madonna col Bambino (The Virgin and Child) c.1480–1485 Oil on wood, 71.1 × 49.5 cm National Gallery, London The Virgin Mary is seated directly in front of us. Together with swathes of drapery, she covers almost the…
Bellini, Giovanni (c.1430-1516) Madonna col Bambino (Madonna and Child) 1470–1480 Oil on panel, 55 x 49 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Attributed to Giovanni Bellini.
Mantegna, Andrea (c.1431-1506) Deposizione di Cristo nel sepolcro (The Entombment of Christ) c.1480 Partially gilded bronze, silver, 24.4 cm × 44.9 cm × 2 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Attributed to Andrea Mantegna (c.1431-1506). This extraordinary work combines the qualities of painting…
Lippi, Filippino (1457-1504) Adorazione di Gesù Bambino (Adoration of the Christ Child) c.1480 Tempera on canvas, diameter 33 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Filippino Lippi was the son of the artist-monk, Fra Filippo Lippi, and himself a pupil of Botticelli. This…
Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) The Virgin and Child with two Angels 1480–1490 Oil on panel, 36 x 26 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid The Virgin appears seated in a walled garden, an allusion to the hortus conclusus or enclosed garden, which symbolizes…
Botticini, Francesco (1446-1498) Madonna col Bambino (Madonna and Child) c.1475–1480 Tempera on poplar panel, 64.6 x 45 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Francesco di Giovanni Botticini came from a family of painters. His father, Giovanni di Domenico, and his son,…
Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1448-1494) Madonna col Bambino (The Virgin and Child) c.1480–1490 Tempera on poplar, 88.9 × 57.8 cm National Gallery, London The Christ Child looks up at the Virgin Mary, raising the index finger of his right hand as though he…
Botticelli, Sandro (c.1445-1510) Madonna con Bambino e angelo (Virgin and Child with an Angel) 1475–1485 Tempera on panel, 85.8 × 59.1 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago In this humanizing yet idealized depiction of the Virgin Mary embracing the baby Jesus, Sandro…