Tag: 1480

Madonna col Bambino (c.1480-1485)

Lorenzo di Credi (c.1459-1537) Madonna col Bambino (The Virgin and Child) c.1480–1485 Oil on wood, 71.1 × 49.5 cm National Gallery, London The Virgin Mary is seated directly in front of us. Together with swathes of drapery, she covers almost the…

Deposizione di Cristo nel sepolcro (c.1480)

Mantegna, Andrea (c.1431-1506) Deposizione di Cristo nel sepolcro (The Entombment of Christ) c.1480 Partially gilded bronze, silver, 24.4 cm × 44.9 cm × 2 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Attributed to Andrea Mantegna (c.1431-1506). This extraordinary work combines the qualities of painting…

Testa d’uomo (1480s)

Signorelli, Luca (c.1445-1523) Testa d’uomo (Head of a Man) 1480s Pen and brush on paper, 26.9 x 18.7 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg

Adorazione di Gesù Bambino (c.1480)

Lippi, Filippino (1457-1504) Adorazione di Gesù Bambino (Adoration of the Christ Child) c.1480 Tempera on canvas, diameter 33 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Filippino Lippi was the son of the artist-monk, Fra Filippo Lippi, and himself a pupil of Botticelli. This…

The Virgin and Child with two Angels (1480-1490)

Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) The Virgin and Child with two Angels 1480–1490 Oil on panel, 36 x 26 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid The Virgin appears seated in a walled garden, an allusion to the hortus conclusus or enclosed garden, which symbolizes…

Madonna col Bambino (c.1475-1480)

Botticini, Francesco (1446-1498) Madonna col Bambino (Madonna and Child) c.1475–1480 Tempera on poplar panel, 64.6 x 45 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Francesco di Giovanni Botticini came from a family of painters. His father, Giovanni di Domenico, and his son,…

Madonna col Bambino (c.1480-1490)

Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1448-1494) Madonna col Bambino (The Virgin and Child) c.1480–1490 Tempera on poplar, 88.9 × 57.8 cm National Gallery, London The Christ Child looks up at the Virgin Mary, raising the index finger of his right hand as though he…

Madonna con Bambino e angelo (1475-1485)

Botticelli, Sandro (c.1445-1510) Madonna con Bambino e angelo (Virgin and Child with an Angel) 1475–1485 Tempera on panel, 85.8 × 59.1 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago In this humanizing yet idealized depiction of the Virgin Mary embracing the baby Jesus, Sandro…