Tag: 1482

Madonna col Bambino (1480-1485)

Bellini, Giovanni (c.1430-1516) Madonna col Bambino (Madonna and Child, Wittgenstein Madonna) 1480–1485 Oil on wood, 109 x 85 cm Louvre, Abu Dhabi Probably dating from the early 1480s, this work is very representative of the early Venetian Renaissance and the art of…

Madonna col Bambino (c.1480-1485)

Lorenzo di Credi (c.1459-1537) Madonna col Bambino (The Virgin and Child) c.1480–1485 Oil on wood, 71.1 × 49.5 cm National Gallery, London The Virgin Mary is seated directly in front of us. Together with swathes of drapery, she covers almost the…

The Virgin and Child with two Angels (1480-1490)

Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) The Virgin and Child with two Angels 1480–1490 Oil on panel, 36 x 26 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid The Virgin appears seated in a walled garden, an allusion to the hortus conclusus or enclosed garden, which symbolizes…

Madonna col Bambino (c.1480-1490)

Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1448-1494) Madonna col Bambino (The Virgin and Child) c.1480–1490 Tempera on poplar, 88.9 × 57.8 cm National Gallery, London The Christ Child looks up at the Virgin Mary, raising the index finger of his right hand as though he…

Madonna con Bambino e angelo (1475-1485)

Botticelli, Sandro (c.1445-1510) Madonna con Bambino e angelo (Virgin and Child with an Angel) 1475–1485 Tempera on panel, 85.8 × 59.1 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago In this humanizing yet idealized depiction of the Virgin Mary embracing the baby Jesus, Sandro…

Allegoria dell’Abbondanza (c.1480-1485)

Botticelli, Sandro (c.1445-1510) Allegoria dell’Abbondanza (Allegory of Abundance) c.1480–1485 Pen and brown ink, with brown wash, on paper, 31.7 x 25.2 cm British Museum, London Abundance or Autumn; female figure wearing classical dress, holding the hand of a putto who holds…

Luca della Robbia

(1400–1482) Luca di Simone di Marco della Robbia The artist’s works: Madonna della mela 1441–1445 Museo del Bargello, Firenze Dio Padre benedicente c.1450–1460 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago La Natività c.1460 National Gallery of Art, Washington Madonna col Bambino c.1460–1470 Cleveland Museum of…

Santa Maria Maddalena (c.1482-1485)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) Santa Maria Maddalena (Saint Mary Magdalene) c.1482–1485 Oil on panel transferred to canvas, 95 x 30.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Pietro Vannucci, called Perugino after the city in which he often lived, collaborated with other celebrated painters in one of…