Tag: 1494

François I (France)

(1494–1547) François d’Orléans François d’Angoulême Count of Angoulême Duke of Valois King of France (1515–1547) François I in Art: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) François 1er reçoit les derniers soupirs de Léonard 1818 Petit Palais, Paris     Works commissioned by him: Andrea…

Allegoria sacra (c.1490-1500)

Bellini, Giovanni (c.1430-1516) Allegoria sacra (Sacred Allegory) c.1490–1500 Oil on wood panel, 73 x 119 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze One of the most enigmatic and fascinating works of the Italian Renaissance, this painting by Bellini shows the Madonna seated on…


Rulers: • Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia), Pope (1492-1503) • Fernando II, King of Sicily (1468-1516) • Fernando II, King of Castile and León (1475-1504) • Fernando II, King of Aragón, Majorca, Sardinia and Valencia (1479-1516) • Fernando II, Count of…

Vergine delle rocce (c.1508)

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Vergine delle rocce (Virgin of the Rocks) c.1491–1499 and 1506–1508 Oil on poplar, thinned and cradled, 189.5 x 120 cm National Gallery, London Full title: The Virgin with the Infant Saint John the Baptist adoring the Christ Child…

L’Ultima Cena (1494-1498)

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) L’Ultima Cena (The Last Supper) 1494–1498 Dry wall-painting, 460 x 880 cm Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milano Leonardo did not use the traditional fresco technique to paint the Last Supper and the lunettes. He chose a method that…