Tag: 1510

Ritratto di un giovane (c.1510)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Ritratto di un giovane (Portrait of a Young Man) c.1510 Mixed technique on poplar, 20 x 17 x 0.4 cm Städel Museum, Frankfurt This early work by Titian presents such a radically close-up view of the sitter that he has…

Madonna col Bambino (c.1510)

Bellini, Giovanni (c.1430-1516) Madonna col Bambino (Madonna and Child) c.1510 Oil on panel, 94.2 x 73 cm High Museum of Art, Atlanta An innovative artist whose influence resonated for generations, Giovanni Bellini was the foremost painter of the early Renaissance in Venice,…

Madonna Garvagh (c.1510-1511)

Raffaello (1483-1520) Madonna Garvagh / Madonna Aldobrandini (Garvagh Madonna or Aldobrandini) c.1510–1511 Oil on wood, 38.9 × 32.9 cm National Gallery, London This is one of several small and medium-sized Madonnas made by Raphael in the years immediately following his arrival in…

Nunc Dimittis (c.1505-1510)

Bellini, Giovanni (c.1430-1516) Nunc Dimittis (Now You let depart) c.1505–1510 Oil on panel, 62 x 82.5 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid Considered in his later years to be the greatest Venetian painter of his time, Giovanni Bellini was the teacher of the…

Christ Mocked (c.1510)

Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516) Christ Mocked (The Crowning with Thorns) c.1510 Oil on oak, 73.8 × 59 cm National Gallery, London Christ stares calmly out at us from the heart of this picture, his serenity a vivid contrast to the brutality of…

Madonna col Bambino, santi e angeli (1510s)

Signorelli, Luca (c.1445-1523) Madonna col Bambino, santi e angeli (Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels) mid or late 1510s Oil on panel transferred to hardboard, 155.7 x 135.6 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington