Tag: 1520

La Trasfigurazione (1516-1520)

Raffaello (1483-1520) La Trasfigurazione (The Transfiguration) 1516–1520 Tempera grassa on wood, 410 x 279 cm Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vaticano Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici (the future pope Clement VII) commissioned two paintings for the cathedral of S. Giusto of Narbonne, the city of which…

Madonna col Bambino e cherubini (1520s)

Rosso Fiorentino (1495-1540) Madonna col Bambino e cherubini (Madonna and Child with Cherubs) 1520s Oil on canvas transferred from panel, 111 x 75.5 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg The Florentine Mannerist Rosso Fiorentino developed at an early age an extravagant, experimental…

Ritratto d’uomo (c.1520)

Correggio (c.1489-1534) Ritratto d’uomo (Portrait of a Man) c.1520 Oil on canvas, 55 x 40 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid Correggio was one of the great fresco painters of the 16th century. In his Lives, Vasari provides some insight into his personality,…

Bacco e Arianna (1520-1523)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Bacco e Arianna (Bacchus and Ariadne) 1520–1523 Oil on canvas, 176.5 x 191 cm National Gallery, London Titian’s Bacchus and Ariadne is one of the finest and most famous paintings in the National Gallery. The Cretan princess Ariadne has…

Mano destra alzata (1518-1520)

Raffaello (1483-1520) Mano destra alzata (Upraised Right Hand, with Palm Facing Outward: Study for Saint Peter) 1518–1520 Black chalk on cream laid paper, 28.6 × 19.7 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago The traditional attribution for Raphael of this long overlooked…

Venere e Cupido (1520s)

Lotto, Lorenzo (1480-1557) Venere e Cupido (Venus and Cupid) 1520s Oil on canvas, 92.4 x 111.4 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York In his inimitable fashion, in this unique masterpiece Lorenzo Lotto takes one of the most popular subjects of Venetian…