Tag: 1571

Ragazzo con cani in un paesaggio (1565-1576)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Ragazzo con cani in un paesaggio (Boy with Dogs in a Landscape) 1565–1576 Oil on canvas, 99.5 x 117 cm Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam This is the only painting by Titian in a Dutch collection. The Venetian master painted…

San Luca (1570-1571)

Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574) San Luca (Saint Luke) 1570–1571 Oil on panel, 177.8 × 99.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington The Saint Luke and Saint Mark panels were part of a commission from Pope Pius V in 1569 to decorate the newly…

San Marco (1570-1571)

Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574) San Marco (Saint Mark) 1570–1571 Oil on panel, 177.8 × 99.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington The Saint Luke and Saint Mark panels were part of a commission from Pope Pius V in 1569 to decorate the newly built Torre Pio (Pius Tower) in…

Cristo expulsando a los mercaderes del templo (c.1570-1575)

El Greco (1541-1614) Cristo expulsando a los mercaderes del templo (Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple) c.1570–1575 Oil on canvas, 116.84 x 149.86 cm Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis Compare: El Greco (1541-1614) Cristo expulsando a los mercaderes del templo…

Ecce Homo (c.1570-1576)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Ecce Homo (Christ Shown to the People) c.1570–1576 Oil on canvas, 109.2 x 94.8 cm Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis

Cristo e il centurione (c.1571)

Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588) Cristo e il centurione (Christ and the Centurion) c.1571 Oil on canvas, 192 × 297 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid With a halo of sainthood over his head, Jesus extends his arm to the centurion who, having converted to…

Ninfa e pastore (c.1570-1575)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Ninfa e pastore (Nymph and shepherd) c.1570–1575 Oil on canvas, 149.6 × 187 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna The theme on which the picture is based has not yet been satisfactorily clarified, but Titian raised it to the mythical level…


(1571–1610) Michelangelo Merisi The artist’s works: Ragazzo che monda un frutto 1592–1593 Fondazione Roberto Longhi, Firenze Ragazzo che monda un frutto 1592–1593 Hampton Court Palace, London Ragazzo che monda un frutto c.1592–1593 Private collection Ragazzo morso da un ramarro c.1594–1595 National…