Tag: 1598

Adoration of the Magi (1598-1600)

Brueghel, Jan the Elder (1568-1625) Adoration of the Magi 1598–1600 Oil on copperplate, 26.5 x 35.2 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Compare: Brueghel, Jan the Elder (1568-1625) The Adoration of the Kings 1598 National Gallery, London    

The Adoration of the Kings (1598)

Brueghel, Jan the Elder (1568-1625) The Adoration of the Kings 1598 Bodycolour on vellum, 32.9 × 48 cm National Gallery, London Jan Brueghel seems to have squeezed a whole world into his tiny picture. A crowd waits patiently for a turn…

Sileno che raccoglie l’uva (1597-1600)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Sileno che raccoglie l’uva (Silenus gathering Grapes) 1597–1600 Oil and egg on wood, 54.5 x 88.5 cm National Gallery, London Using an animal skin, two laughing satyrs with pointed ears and short tails – although without the usual hairy…

Giovane Satiro che raccoglie l’uva (1597-1600)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Giovane Satiro che raccoglie l’uva (Young Satyr gathering Grapes) 1597–1600 Oil and egg on wood, 54.5 x 88.5 cm National Gallery, London A naked young satyr, just like a little boy but with pointed ears and a curly tail,…

Marsia e Olimpo (1597-1600)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Marsia e Olimpo (Marsyas and Olympus) 1597–1600 Oil on wood, 34.4 x 84.2 cm National Gallery, London A naked golden-haired youth sits on a rock, playing the panpipes; another set of pipes hangs from the tree behind him.…

L’estasi di Maria Maddalena (1585-1600)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) L’estasi di Maria Maddalena (The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene) 1585–1600 Oil on panel, 37.5 x 29.5 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid According to the Golden Legend, after the death of Christ his follower Mary Magdalene moved to the…

Tentazioni di sant’Antonio Abate (c.1598)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Tentazioni di sant’Antonio Abate (Christ appearing to Saint Anthony Abbot during his Temptation) c.1598 Oil on copper, 49.5 x 34.4 cm National Gallery, London A bearded man in a hair robe is being violently threatened by a horde…

Canestra di frutta (c.1597-1600)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) Canestra di frutta (Basket of Fruit) c.1597–1600 Oil on canvas, 54.5 × 67.5 cm Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano This is probably the most famous painting in the collection of Cardinal Federico Borromeo, which formed the original nucleus of the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana.…