Tag: 1759

Veduta di Pirna con la Fortezza di Sonnenstein (1755-1765)

Bellotto, Bernardo (1721–1780) Veduta di Pirna con la Fortezza di Sonnenstein (View of Pirna with the Fortress of Sonnenstein) 1755–1765 Oil on canvas, 49.3 × 79.5 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago See also: • Pirna (Germany) | Saxony | Sonnenstein Castle (Pirna)

Friedrich Schiller

(1759–1805) Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller Works: • Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays (English) • Briefe Schillers und Goethes an A. W. Schlegel (German) • Demetrius (English) • Der Neffe als Onkel (German) • Der Parasit, oder die Kunst (German) •…

Donna con mandolino (1755-1760)

Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770) Donna con mandolino (Woman with a Mandolin) 1755–1760 Oil on canvas, 93.7 × 75 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Tiepolo‘s work reflects the culmination of the baroque tradition in Venice. In this painting the artist celebrated the…

Georges Danton

(1759–1794) Georges Jacques Danton, dit aussi d’Anton Works: • Discours Civiques de Danton (French) Danton in Film: Danton 1983 Director: Andrzej Wajda Starring: Gérard Depardieu, Wojciech Pszoniak   Born October 26 1759 Arcis-sur-Aube (France) Died April 5 1794 Paris (France) Cause of death Execution…

Vista di Vienna dal Belvedere (1758-1761)

Bellotto, Bernardo (1721-1780) Vista di Vienna dal Belvedere (Vienna Viewed from the Belvedere Palace) 1758–1761 Oil on canvas, 135 × 213 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna This view of Vienna from the Upper Belvedere Palace, the summer palace of Prince Eugene of…

Portrait of a Clergyman (1756-1760)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Portrait of a Clergyman 1756–1760 Oil on canvas, 77 x 64 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid This is an early work by Reynolds. It lacks the verve and brilliance of his later output but is imbued with a…

Apollo insegue Dafne (c.1755-1760)

Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770) Apollo insegue Dafne (Apollo Pursuing Daphne) c.1755–1760 Oil on canvas, 68.5 x 87 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Throughout his career Tiepolo painted small pictures of mythological themes, which proved extremely popular. The subjects of these works…