Tag: 1854

Franklin Pierce

(1804–1869) 14th President of the United States (1853–1857) See also: • Presidents of the United States | United States

National Gallery of Ireland

Founded: 1854 Opened: 1864 Location: Merrion Square West, Dublin 2, Ireland Website: https://www.nationalgallery.ie/ Collection: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See…


Rulers: • Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States (1853-1857) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Barrage Zola completed in Le Tholonet, France. • National Gallery of Ireland founded in Dublin. Births: • Rimbaud, Arthur (1854-1891) • Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900) Literature: • Dickens,…