Tag: 1859

Scottish National Gallery (Edinburgh)

Opened: 1859 Location: The Mound, Edinburgh EH2 2EL Website: https://www.nationalgalleries.org/visit/scottish-national-gallery Collection: • Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530): Domenico di Jacopo di Matteo (c.1528-30) • Lotto, Lorenzo (1480-1557): Madonna col Bambino e santi (c.1505) • Tiziano (c.1488-1576): Le tre età dell’uomo (1512-14) • Vermeer, Jan (1632-1675):…

Casa Buonarroti (Firenze)

Opened: 1859 Location: Via Ghibellina, 70, 50122 Firenze Website: https://www.casabuonarroti.it/ Collection: • Michelangelo (1475-1564): Battaglia dei centauri (1490-1492) • Michelangelo (1475-1564): Madonna della Scala (c.1490) See also: • Firenze (Italia) | Foundations | Michelangelo | Museums

James Buchanan

(1791–1868) 15th President of the United States (1857–1861) See also: • Presidents of the United States | United States

Le jour des morts (1859)

Bouguereau, William-Adolphe (1825-1905) Le jour des morts (All Saints’ Day) 1859 Oil on canvas, 147 x 120 cm Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux William Bouguereau presented at the Salon of 1859 Wounded Love, The Portrait of Madame Duret, painted in 1857, as well…


Rulers: • James Buchanan, 15th President of the United States (1857-1861) • Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) Events: • Casa Buonarroti (Firenze) opens to the public. • Scottish National Gallery opened in Edinburgh. Births: • Avegno Gautreau, Virginie Amélie (1859-1915) • Charigot, Aline (1859-1915) • Hassam, Childe (1859-1935)…

Aline Charigot, Madame Renoir

(1859–1915) Aline Victorine Charigot Renoir .Aline Charigot in Art: Renoir, Auguste (1841-1919) Jeune femme cousant 1879 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago     Renoir, Auguste (1841-1919) Madame Renoir au chien 1880 Private collection     Renoir, Auguste (1841-1919) La Baigneuse blonde c.1880–1881 Dallas…