Tag: 1882

Femme aux champs (1882)

Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) Femme aux champs (Woman in the fields) 1882 Oil on canvas, 88 x 48 cm Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires

Chrysanthèmes (1882)

Monet, Claude (1840-1926) Chrysanthèmes (Chrysanthemums) 1882 Oil on canvas, 100.3 x 81.9 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York An avid gardener, Monet produced some twenty floral still lifes between 1878 and 1883, garnering both critical and commercial success. This…

Cabine de surveillance des douaniers (1882)

Monet, Claude (1840-1926) Cabine de surveillance des douaniers (Cabin of the Customs Watch) 1882 Oil on canvas, 61 x 81.9 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Of the fourteen versions of this motif painted at Pourville in 1882, this…

Nu (c.1882)

Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919) Nu (Nude with Figure in Background) c.1882 Oil on canvas, 12.8 x 8.3 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington

L’Automne, Méry Laurent (1882)

Manet, Édouard (1832-1883) L’Automne, Méry Laurent (Autumn, Mery Laurent) 1882 Oil on canvas, 73 x 51 cm Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nancy See also: • Laurent, Méry (1849-1900)