Tag: 1952

Study for a Portrait (1952)

Bacon, Francis (1909-1992) Study for a Portrait 1952 Oil paint and sand on canvas, 66.1 × 56.1 × 1.8 cm Tate Britain, London © Estate of Francis Bacon. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2025 Francis Bacon painted directly onto the raw, unprimed side of the…

Study for Crouching Nude (1952)

Bacon, Francis (1909-1992) Study for Crouching Nude 1952 Oil and sand on canvas, 198.1 × 137.2 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Few painters have defined the post–World War II era with its existential loathing better than Francis Bacon, the brilliant son…

Helmet Head (1952)

Moore, Henry (1898-1986) Helmet Head 1952 Bronze, 16.5 x 10.2 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland British sculptor Henry Moore is known for his abstract bronze sculptures that evoke the human form. This small bronze sculpture is one of many “helmet…

Les femmes au perroquet (1952)

Léger, Fernand (1881-1955) Les femmes au perroquet (Women with a Parrot) 1952 Lithograph printed in 8 (?) colors on Arches paper, 41.2 x 59.6 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton

Benedetto Croce

(1866–1952) Works: • Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic (English) • Ariosto, Shakespeare and Corneille (English) • Historical materialism and the economics of Karl Marx (English) • Logic as the Science of the Pure Concept (English) • The…

Nu bleu IV (1952)

Matisse, Henri (1869-1954) Nu bleu IV (Blue Nude IV) 1952 Blue gouache and charcoal on paper, 103 x 76 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Blue gouache and charcoal sketch on Canson paper cut out, assembled and glued directly onto white Canson…

Christopher Reeve

(1952–2004) Christopher D’Olier Reeve Filmography as Actor: Somewhere in Time 1980 Director: Jeannot Szwarc Starring: Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour     The Remains of the Day 1993 Director: James Ivory Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson   Born September 25 1952 New York, NY (USA) Died October…

Michael Redgrave

(1908–1985) Sir Michael Scudamore Redgrave, CBE   Born March 20 1908 Bristol (England) Died March 21 1985 Denham, Buckinghamshire (England) Cause of death Parkinson’s disease Wife (1935-1985) Rachel Kempson (1910-2003) Daughter Vanessa Redgrave (1937) Son-in-law Tony Richardson (1928-1991) Granddaughter Natasha Richardson (1963-2009) Grandson-in-law Liam…