Tag: 1987

John Huston

(1906–1987) John Marcellus Huston Filmography as Actor: Chinatown 1974 Director: Roman Polanski Starring: Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway   Born August 5 1906 Nevada, MO (USA) Died August 28 1987 Middletown, RI (USA) Cause of death Emphysema Pneumonia Wife Evelyn Keyes (1916-2008) Occupation Actor…

James Coco

(1930–1987) James Emil Coco Filmography as Actor: Man of La Mancha 1972 Director: Arthur Hiller Starring: Peter O’Toole, Sophia Loren     Murder by Death 1976 Director: Robert Moore Starring: Eileen Brennan, Truman Capote   Born March 21 1930 New…

Robert Preston

(1918–1987) Robert Preston Meservey Filmography as Actor: Victor/Victoria 1982 Director: Blake Edwards Starring: Julie Andrews, James Garner   Born June 8 1918 Newton Highlands, MA (USA) Died March 21 1987 Montecito, CA (USA) Cause of death Cancer Occupation Actor Award National Society…

Colin Blakely

(1930–1987) Colin George Edward Blakely Filmography as Actor: A Man for All Seasons 1966 Director: Fred Zinnemann Starring: Paul Scofield, Wendy Hiller     Murder on the Orient Express 1974 Director: Sidney Lumet Starring: Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall     Equus 1977 Director:…

Jean Anouilh

(1910–1987) Jean-Marie-Lucien-Pierre Anouilh Works: • Antigone (1944) Quotes: • Jean Anouilh: Quotations Filmography as Screenwriter: Anna Karenina 1948 Director: Julien Duvivier Starring: Vivien Leigh, Ralph Richardson   Born June 23 1910 Bordeaux (France) Died October 3 1987 Lausanne (Switzerland) Occupation Playwright Screenwriter Writer

Menil Collection (Houston)

Opened: 1987 Address: 1533 Sul Ross St, Houston, TX 77006, United States Website: https://www.menil.org/ Collection: • De Chirico, Giorgio (1888-1978): Interno metafisico con biscotti (1916) • Léger, Fernand (1881-1955): La mère et l’enfant (1951) • Magritte, René (1898-1967): Golconde (1953) • Magritte, René (1898-1967): La…

Maria von Trapp

(1905–1987) Baroness Maria Augusta von Trapp, née Kutschera Maria von Trapp in Film: The Sound of Music 1965 Director: Robert Wise Starring: Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer   Born January 26 1905 Vienna (Austria) Died March 28 1987 Morrisville, VT (USA) Cause of death Heart…

Ronald Reagan

(1911–2004) 40th President of the United States (1981–1989) See also: • Presidents of the United States | United States


Rulers: • Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom (1952-2022) • Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States (1981-1989) Events: • Menil Collection (Houston) opened to the public. • National Museum of Women in the Arts opened in Washington. Births: • François, Déborah (1987) • Vives,…