Tag: altar

Il sacrificio di Isacco (c.1653)

Giordano, Luca (1634-1705) Il sacrificio di Isacco (The Sacrifice of Isaac) c.1653 Oil on canvas, 85 x 124 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Arriving at the chosen place, Abraham built…

Adoration of the Magi (c.1494)

Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516) Adoration of the Magi c.1494 Oil on oak panel, 147.4 x 168.6 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid Closed: The theme of this triptych is the advent of salvation -a message about the universality of Redemption. The Eucharistic meaning…

Sacrificio di Isacco (c.1529-1530)

Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Sacrificio di Isacco (The Sacrifice of Isaac) c.1529–1530 Oil on poplar wood, 213 x 159 cm Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden Compare: Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Sacrificio di Isacco c.1527 Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland     Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Sacrificio…

Sacrificio di Isacco (c.1527)

Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Sacrificio di Isacco (The Sacrifice of Isaac) c.1527 Oil on wood, 178 x 138 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland In this dramatic test of faith from the Old Testament book of Genesis, Abraham agrees to slay his…

Sacrificio di Isacco (c.1528)

Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Sacrificio di Isacco (The Sacrifice of Isaac) c.1528 Oil on panel, 98 x 69 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid This scene portrays the moment described in the Old Testament (Genesis 22, 1-19) in which, at the orders of…

La Vierge à l’hostie (1841)

Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) La Vierge à l’hostie (The Virgin with the Host) 1841 Oil on canvas, 116 х 84 cm Pushkin Museum, Moscow Compare: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) La Vierge adorant l’hostie 1852 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York    …

La présentation de Jésus au Temple (1886-1894)

Tissot, James (1836-1902) La présentation de Jésus au Temple (The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple) 1886–1894 Watercolor on paper, 22.2 x 15.2 cm Brooklyn Museum, New York Forty days after the birth of Jesus, the Holy Family travels to Jerusalem…

The Woman taken in Adultery (1644)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) The Woman taken in Adultery 1644 Oil on oak, 83.8 x 65.4 cm National Gallery, London A woman kneels and weeps. Darkness like a great cavern surrounds her. A shaft of light picks her out on the stone…

Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio (1623)

Guercino (1591-1666) Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple) 1623 Oil on copper, 72.5 x 65 cm National Gallery, London Mary and Joseph brought the infant Christ, forty days after his birth, to be presented in…