Tag: apostle

La Trasfigurazione (1516-1520)

Raffaello (1483-1520) La Trasfigurazione (The Transfiguration) 1516–1520 Tempera grassa on wood, 410 x 279 cm Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vaticano Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici (the future pope Clement VII) commissioned two paintings for the cathedral of S. Giusto of Narbonne, the city of which…

Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee (1596)

Brueghel, Jan the Elder (1568-1625) Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee 1596 Oil on copper, 26.6 x 35 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid Jan Brueghel belonged to a dynasty of painters whose first outstanding member was Pieter Bruegel, Jan’s…

Due Apostoli (Late 16th century)

Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594) Due Apostoli (Two Apostles) Late 16th century Oil on canvas, 47 x 38.7 cm Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia This painting is likely a fragment of (or perhaps a study for) a larger painting of the Last Supper. Although the…

Pentecoste (c.1310-1318)

Giotto (c.1267-1337) & Workshop Pentecoste (Pentecost) c.1310–1318 Egg tempera on poplar, 45.5 × 44 cm National Gallery, London The simplicity of the storytelling, the inclusion of lively details – like the old man who turns his head to better hear the…

Cristo expulsando a los mercaderes del templo (c.1600)

El Greco (1541-1614) Cristo expulsando a los mercaderes del templo (Christ driving the Traders from the Temple) c.1600 Oil on canvas, 106.3 × 129.7 cm National Gallery, London El Greco has used theatrical gestures and intense colours to express the chaos and…

Trasfigurazione (c.1307-1311)

Duccio di Buoninsegna (c.1255-c.1319) Trasfigurazione (The Transfiguration) c.1307–1311 Egg tempera on wood, 48.5 × 51.4 cm National Gallery, London This painting was part of the predella (the bottom tier) of the Maestà altarpiece made for the Cathedral of Siena. Christ stands at the…

Guarigione del cieco nato (c.1307-1311)

Duccio di Buoninsegna (c.1255-c.1319) Guarigione del cieco nato (The Healing of the Man born Blind) c.1307–1311 Egg tempera on wood, 45.1 × 46.7 cm National Gallery, London This painting comes from the back of the predella of the large, double-sided altarpiece made…