Tag: Assumption

L’Assunzione della Vergine (c.1475-1476)

Botticini, Francesco (1446-1498) L’Assunzione della Vergine (The Assumption of the Virgin) c.1475–1476 Tempera on wood, 228.6 × 377.2 cm National Gallery, London Heaven and earth are united in this vast, dramatic scene. A dome-shaped vault has opened up in the sky to…

Assunta Passerini (c.1526-1528)

Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Assunta Passerini (The Assumption of the Virgin) c.1526–1528 Oil on panel, 379 × 222 cm Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze This large altarpiece, almost 4 meters high and 2 meters wide, represents the miracle of the Assumption of the…

Assunzione della Vergine (1604-1606)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Assunzione della Vergine (Assumption of the Virgin) 1604–1606 Fresco transferred to canvas Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Mural Paintings from the Herrera Chapel.

Assunzione della Vergine (1588-1590)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Assunzione della Vergine (The Assumption of the Virgin) 1588–1590 Oil on canvas, 130 × 97 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid Annibale Carracci’s Assumption of the Virgin now in the Museo del Prado is first mentioned in the so-called…

La Asunción de la Virgen (1577-1579)

El Greco (1541-1614) La Asunción de la Virgen (The Assumption of the Virgin) 1577–1579 Oil on canvas, 403.2 × 211.8 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago This painting was the central element of the altarpiece that was El Greco’s first major…

Comunione e assunzione della Maddalena (c.1484-1491)

Botticelli, Sandro (c.1445-1510) Comunione e assunzione della Maddalena (Last Moments of Saint Mary Magdalene) c.1484–1491 Tempera on panel, 18.3 x 43.8 cm Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia This panel was part of the predella of the Pala delle Convertite. Pala delle Convertite: Botticelli,…

Catedral de Santa María de Valencia (Valencia)

Consecrated: 1238 Address: Plaza de la Limosna, s/n, Ciutat Vella, 46003 Valencia, España Website: https://catedraldevalencia.es/ Art: • Goya, Francisco (1746-1828): San Francisco de Borja y el moribundo impenitente (1788) See also: • Cathedrals | Churches | Valencia (España)