Tag: banquet

The Feast of Herod (1531)

Cranach, Lucas the Elder (1472-1553) The Feast of Herod 1531 Oil on panel, 81.3 x 119.7 cm Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford The biblical story of Salome was popular during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, when it was seen as a cautionary tale of…

Repas comique, Banquet des affamés (c.1917-1918)

Ensor, James (1860-1949) Repas comique, Banquet des affamés (Comical Repast, Banquet of the Starved) c.1917–1918 Oil on canvas, 115.6 x 145.4 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The current title of this painting reflects the two names it was given…

Il banchetto di Cleopatra (1743-1744)

Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770) Il banchetto di Cleopatra (The Banquet of Cleopatra) 1743–1744 Oil on canvas, 250.3 × 357 cm National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne See also: • Cleopatra (69-30 BC) | Egypt

Belshazzar’s Feast (c.1636-1638)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) Belshazzar’s Feast c.1636–1638 Oil on canvas, 167.6 x 209.2 cm National Gallery, London Belshazzar’s Feast was painted somewhere between 1636 and 1638, when Rembrandt was about 30 years old. He had to make his way in Amsterdam, a…

Cleopatra’s Banquet (c.1675-1680)

Lairesse, Gérard de (1641-1711) Cleopatra’s Banquet c.1675–1680 Oil on canvas, 74 x 95.5 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Cleopatra made a bet with Mark Antony on who could give the most lavish banquet. She won by dissolving a priceless pearl in vinegar and…

Judith at the banquet of Holofernes (1634)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) Judith at the banquet of Holofernes 1634 Oil on canvas, 143 x 154.7 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid In the past various authors have expressed their scepticism about the attribution of the painting to Rembrandt. However, the Rembrandt Research…