Tag: Bathsheba

Betsabea (c.1636-1637)

Gentileschi, Artemisia (1593-c.1653) Betsabea (Bathsheba) c.1636–1637 Oil on canvas, 265.4 x 209.5 cm Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus

Bathsheba at Her Bath (1654)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) Bathsheba at Her Bath 1654 Oil on canvas, 142 x 142 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Subject taken from the Bible (II Book of Samuel, the importance of the letter delivered to Bathsheba, the strong point of an…

The Toilet of Bathsheba (1643)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) The Toilet of Bathsheba 1643 Oil on wood, 57.2 x 76.2 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Rembrandt shows the biblical figure Bathsheba completely nude, lost in a moment of contemplation and unaware that she is being observed…

La Toilette (1870)

Bazille, Frédéric (1841-1870) La Toilette 1870 Oil on canvas, 130 x 128 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier Inspired by the orientalist imagination as well as the biblical universe, the painting depicts a modern Bathsheba being prepared by two servants for nuptial union. This…