Tag: Bible

Madonna di Manchester (c.1494)

Michelangelo (1475-1564) Madonna di Manchester (Manchester Madonna: The Virgin and Child with Saint John and Angels) c.1494 Tempera on wood, 104.5 × 77 cm National Gallery, London This picture – known as ‘The Manchester Madonna’ since 1857, when it was exhibited in the…

San Girolamo penitente (1546)

Lotto, Lorenzo (1480-1557) San Girolamo penitente (Penitent Saint Jerome) 1546 Oil on canvas, 99 x 90 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid Lorenzo Lotto‘s various depictions of the penitent Saint Jerome span early versions influenced by Albrecht Dürer and Giovanni Bellini (Musée…

The Magdalen Reading (c.1435)

Van der Weyden, Rogier (c.1399-1464) The Magdalen Reading c.1435 Oil on mahogany, transferred from another panel, 62.2 × 54.4 cm National Gallery, London A young lady in an extravagant green dress sits on the floor, reading. Although she wears fifteenth-century clothing…

Annunciazione (c.1307-1311)

Duccio di Buoninsegna (c.1255-c.1319) Annunciazione (The Annunciation) c.1307–1311 Egg tempera on wood, 44.5 × 45.8 cm National Gallery, London This panel was the first in a series of scenes of the infancy of Christ on the front of the predella (lowest part)…

L’Assunzione della Vergine (c.1475-1476)

Botticini, Francesco (1446-1498) L’Assunzione della Vergine (The Assumption of the Virgin) c.1475–1476 Tempera on wood, 228.6 × 377.2 cm National Gallery, London Heaven and earth are united in this vast, dramatic scene. A dome-shaped vault has opened up in the sky to…

Santi Girolamo e Giovanni Battista (c.1428-1429)

Masaccio (1401-1428) Santi Girolamo e Giovanni Battista (Saints Jerome and John the Baptist) c.1428–1429 Egg tempera on poplar, 125 x 58.9 cm National Gallery, London Saint Jerome, wearing his red cardinal’s hat, and Saint John the Baptist stand side by side…

Madonna di Loreto (c.1507-1515)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) Madonna di Loreto (The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Francis) probably c.1507–1515 Oil on wood, 185.5 x 152.5 cm National Gallery, London This painting stood above the altar in a chapel built to commemorate a local carpenter, Giovanni…

The Virgin and Child with a Monkey (c.1498)

Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) The Virgin and Child with a Monkey c.1498 Engraving, 19.05 x 12.07 Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Buffalo Albrecht Dürer’s prints are characterized by nearly ethereal transitions from dark to light. From the fineness of the monkey’s wiry fur…

The Holy Family with St Anne (1640)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) The Holy Family with St Anne 1640 Oil on panel, 41 x 34 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris The Christian meaning of the painting has often been obliterated in favor of a purely secular interpretation: for example at…