Tag: brooch

La grande odalisque (1814)

Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) Une odalisque, dite La grande odalisque (An Odalisque, called The Great Odalisque) 1814 Oil on canvas, 91 x 162 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Naked woman, 3/4 face surrounded by a turban tied at the nape…

Graziella (1896)

Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919) Graziella 1896 Oil on canvas, 65.4 × 54 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit

Jane Seymour (c.1536-1537)

Holbein, Hans the Younger (c.1497-1543) Jane Seymour c.1536–1537 Oil on oak, 65.5 × 47 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Holbein became court painter to Henry VIII of England in 1536. Among the first of his paintings in the service of the King was…

Infanta Margarita Teresa con vestido azul (1659)

Velázquez, Diego (1599-1660) Infanta Margarita Teresa con vestido azul (Infanta Margarita Teresa in blue dress) 1659 Oil on canvas, 125.5 × 106 × 3 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna One year before his death Velázquez created this portrait of the eight-year old…

Autorretrato dedicado a León Trotsky (1937)

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) Autorretrato dedicado a León Trotsky (Self-Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky) 1937 Oil on masonite 76 x 60.96 cm National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington See also: • Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940)

Frances, Countess of Dartmouth (1756)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Frances, Countess of Dartmouth 1756 Oil on canvas, 127 x 102 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid The present portrait of Frances, Countess of Dartmouth was acquired for the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection in 1977 from the UK art market. As with…