Tag: brush

Ensor au chevalet (1886)

Ensor, James (1860-1949) Ensor au chevalet (Ensor at his Easel) 1886? Oil on canvas, 58.5 × 40.5 cm Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp

Trilogy of Months, state II

Murer, Eugène (1841-1906) Trilogy of Months, state II s.d. Color lithograph, 82.2 x 61 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland See also: • Vollard, Ambroise (1866-1939)

Autoritratto come allegoria della Pittura (1638-1639)

Gentileschi, Artemisia (1593-c.1653) Autoritratto come allegoria della Pittura (Self-portrait as the Allegory of Painting) 1638–1639 Oil on canvas, 98.6 x 75.2 cm Royal Collection, Buckingham Palace, London Artemisia Gentileschi was invited to London in 1638 by Charles I, and probably produced this…

Giotto Painting the Portrait of Dante (1852)

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Giotto Painting the Portrait of Dante 1852 Watercolor over pencil, 36.8 x 47 cm Private collection Study: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Study for Giotto Painting the Portrait of Dante 1852 Tate Britain, London     See also: • Alighieri, Dante…

Autorretrato (c.1670)

Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617-1682) Autorretrato (Self Portrait) c.1670 Oil on canvas, 122 × 107 cm National Gallery, London Murillo probably painted this self portrait in about 1670, when he was in his early fifties – his hairline is receding and his…

Allegoria della pittura (1730s)

Carriera, Rosalba (1675-1757) Allegoria della pittura (Allegory of Painting) 1730s Pastel and red chalk on blue laid paper mounted on canvas, 44.3 × 34.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Shown from the chest up, a young woman with pale, smooth skin…

Raffaello e la figlia del fornaio (1846)

Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) Raffaello e la figlia del fornaio (Raphael and the Baker’s Daughter) 1846 Oil on canvas, 35.56 x 27.3 cm Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus Compare: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) Raphaël et la Fornarina 1814 Fogg Museum, Cambridge, MA…