Tag: carriage

La Rue de Gisors à Pontoise (1868)

Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) La Rue de Gisors à Pontoise (Street in Pontoise, Rue de Gisors) 1868 Oil on canvas, 38.5 × 46.2 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna See also: • Pontoise (France)

The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa (c.1630-1640)

Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678) The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa c.1630–1640 Oil on canvas, 117.5 x 194 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Jordaens was one of the most renowned and versatile Antwerp painters. Here he illustrates an episode from Homer’s Odyssey. Odysseus, naked and…

Street in Cologne (first half of the 1600s)

Van der Heyden, Jan (1637-1712) Street in Cologne first half of the 1600s Oil on wood panel, 30 x 36 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Entered the Hermitage in 1814; formerly in the collection of Josephine de Beauharnais in the Castle…

L’Inondation à Port-Marly (1876)

Sisley, Alfred (1839-1899) L’Inondation à Port-Marly (The Flood at Port-Marly) 1876 Oil on canvas, 50 x 61 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid ©Carmen Thyssen Collection Based in Marly-le-Roi from 1874 to 1877, Sisley executed a group of seven paintings on the flooding…

View in Montmartre, Paris (1889)

Hassam, Childe (1859-1935) View in Montmartre, Paris 1889 Watercolor and gouache over graphite, 35.3 x 25.3 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton See also: • Montmartre | Paris (France)

Le Pont Neuf, effet de neige (1902)

Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) Le Pont Neuf, effet de neige (Pont Neuf, Snow Effect, 2nd series) 1902 Oil on canvas, 54.5 x 65.3 cm National Museum Wales, Cardiff Between December 1900 and his death Pissarro lodged intermittently at 28 Place Dauphine on…

La fortezza di Königstein vista da Nord (1756-1758)

Bellotto, Bernardo (1721-1780) La fortezza di Königstein vista da Nord (The Fortress of Königstein from the North) 1756–1758 Oil on canvas, 132.1 × 236.2 cm National Gallery, London Sharp and angular, the Saxon fortress of Königstein, about 25 miles southeast of…

La Place du Havre, Paris (1893)

Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) La Place du Havre, Paris (The Place du Havre, Paris) 1893 Oil on canvas, 60.1 × 73.5 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago After a period of experimentation with the Neo-Impressionist style developed by Georges Seurat, Camille Pissarro returned…

Veduta di Pirna con la Fortezza di Sonnenstein (1755-1765)

Bellotto, Bernardo (1721–1780) Veduta di Pirna con la Fortezza di Sonnenstein (View of Pirna with the Fortress of Sonnenstein) 1755–1765 Oil on canvas, 49.3 × 79.5 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago See also: • Pirna (Germany) | Saxony | Sonnenstein Castle (Pirna)