Tag: chiaroscuro

Ragazzo che monda un frutto (c.1592-1593)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) Ragazzo che monda un frutto (Boy Peeling Fruit) c.1592–1593 Oil on canvas, 65 × 52 cm Private collection This painting has being owned by Sir Joshua Reynolds in the late 18th century. Compare: Caravaggio (1571-1610) Ragazzo che monda un frutto…

Santa Águeda (c.1635-1640)

Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598-1664) Santa Águeda (Saint Agatha) c.1635–1640 Oil on canvas, 129 × 61 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier The prefect Quintianus wants to marry the beautiful and noble Sicilian Agathe; having dedicated her life to Christ, she refuses. So he makes…

Summer Night (1890)

Homer, Winslow (1836-1910) Summer Night 1890 Oil on canvas, 76.5 x 102 cm Musée d’Orsay, Paris Winslow Homer began as a cartoonist reporter during the Civil War, before painting scenes describing the daily life of the army and the rural world…

Sacra Famiglia (1506-1507)

Raffaello (1483-1520) Sacra Famiglia (Holy Family, Madonna with Beardless Joseph) 1506–1507 Tempera, oil on canvas (handed over from panel), 72.5 x 56.5 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Raphael painted this Holy Family during his stay in Florence, possibly for the ruler…

Ritratto di Cosimo I de’ Medici (1537)

Bronzino (1503-1572) Ritratto di Cosimo I de’ Medici (Portrait of Cosimo I de’ Medici) 1537 Oil on canvas (handed over from wood panel), 117.5 x 87.5 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg You are looking now at work by an outstanding Mannerist…

Cristo en la Cruz (c.1630)

Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598-1664) Cristo en la Cruz (Christ on the Cross) c.1630 Oil on canvas, 214 x 143.5 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid The present canvas was unpublished until 1918 when Hugo Kehrer included it in his monograph on Zurbarán. At…

Il giudizio di Salomone (c.1665)

Giordano, Luca (1634-1705) Il giudizio di Salomone (The Judgement of Solomon) c.1665 Oil on canvas, 250.8 x 308 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid ©Carmen Thyssen Collection This large-format canvas is a superb example of Italian Baroque painting. In this strongly narrative scene,…

Samson and Delilah (c.1609-1610)

Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) Samson and Delilah c.1609–1610 Oil on wood, 185 × 205 cm National Gallery, London Peter Paul Rubens’s Samson and Delilah portrays a tragedy of love and betrayal. According to the Old Testament, Samson, a Jewish hero blessed…

San Serapio (1628)

Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598-1664) San Serapio (Saint Serapion) 1628 Oil on canvas, 120.2 x 104 cm Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford Curatorial Narrative: Saint Serapion was a monk who gave his life to liberate Christians captured during the thirteenth century in North Africa. The…

Apostle Judas Thaddeus (c.1619-1621)

Van Dyck, Anthony (1599-1641) Apostle Judas Thaddeus 1619–1621 Oil on oak, 61.4 × 49.7 × 2 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna The so-called Böhler series of 13 busts depicting Christ and the 12 apostles (only two of them in the KHM) dates…