Tag: Courbet

La diligence dans la neige (1860)

Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877) La diligence dans la neige (The Diligence in the Snow) 1860 Oil on canvas, 137.2 × 199.1 cm National Gallery, London The high viewpoint in this painting opens up the prospect of the vast distance, heightening its very…

Plage en Normandie (c.1872-1875)

Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877) Plage en Normandie (Beach in Normandy) c.1872–1875 Oil on canvas, 61.3 x 90.2 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Towering, sheer cliffs loom to our left, over a sunny beach scattered with boats in this horizontal landscape painting. The…