Tag: curtain

Jeune fille lisant (1880)

Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919) Jeune fille lisant (Reading Girl) 1880 Oil on canvas, 57 x 47.5 cm Städel Museum, Frankfurt Renoir, like all Impressionists, was interested in motifs from everyday life. This way he could show his models in private moments: by concentrating…

Studio per la ‘Madonna del Pesce’ (c.1512-1514)

Raffaello (1483-1520) Studio per la ‘Madonna del Pesce’ (Study for the ‘Madonna del Pesce’) c.1512–1514 Brush and brown wash heightened with white over black chalk on paper, 25.80 x 21.30 cm Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh This drawing shows a very…

La morte di Cleopatra (1648)

Guercino (1591-1666) La morte di Cleopatra (Death of Cleopatra) 1648 Oil on canvas, 173 x 237 cm Palazzo Rosso, Genova This painting, in which Cleopatra is depicted in the act of taking her life, in order not to suffer the shame…

Danae (c.1531)

Correggio (c.1489-1534) Danae c.1531 Oil on canvas, 161 x 193 cm Galleria Borghese, Roma Together with Leda, Ganymede Abducted by the Eagle, and Jupiter and Io, this painting forms part of a well-known series of Jupiter’s loves, painted by Correggio for Federico…

Venere che benda Amore (c.1560-1565)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Venere che benda Amore (Venus Blindfolding Cupid) c.1560–1565 Oil on canvas, 118 x 185 cm Galleria Borghese, Roma In all likelihood, this painting entered the Borghese Collection in 1608, when it was given to Scipione Borghese by Cardinal Paolo Emilio…

Madonna col Bambino (c.1510)

Bellini, Giovanni (c.1430-1516) Madonna col Bambino (Madonna and Child) c.1510 Oil on panel, 94.2 x 73 cm High Museum of Art, Atlanta An innovative artist whose influence resonated for generations, Giovanni Bellini was the foremost painter of the early Renaissance in Venice,…

Femmes d’Alger dans leur intérieur (1849)

Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863) Femmes d’Alger dans leur intérieur (Women of Algiers in their interior) 1849 Oil on canvas, 85 × 112 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier Paris, entrusted by the artist to the silver statue lottery, around September 1849; acquired from this lottery…

Annunciazione (1481)

Botticelli, Sandro (c.1445-1510) Annunciazione (Annunciation from San Martino alla Scala) 1481 Detached fresco, 243 x 555 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze The usual subject of the announcement to the Virgin Mary by archangel Gabriel is set in a renaissance palace, overlooking…

Une moderne Olympia (1873-1874)

Cézanne, Paul (1839-1906) Une moderne Olympia (A modern Olympia) 1873–1874 Oil on canvas, 46.2 x 55.5 cm Musée d’Orsay, Paris Cézanne‘s early works, executed in dark colors, were strongly inspired by those of the Old Masters and by the compositions of Delacroix,…