Tag: DMA

Paul Verlaine en Troubadour (1868)

Bazille, Frédéric (1841-1870)? Paul Verlaine en Troubadour ? (Paul Verlaine as a Troubadour) 1868 Oil on canvas, 45.87 x 38.1 cm Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas or: Artist Unknown Portrait d’un inconnu comme un troubadour (Portrait of an anonymous as a…

Blonde tressant ses cheveux (1886)

Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919) Blonde tressant ses cheveux (Blonde Braiding Her Hair) 1886 Oil on canvas, 65.41 x 54.29 cm Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas After an inspirational trip to Italy in the early 1880s where he admired Classical models, Pierre-Auguste Renoir renewed…

Comblat-le-Château, le pré (1887)

Signac, Paul (1863-1935) Comblat-le-Château, le pré, Opus 161 (Comblat-le-Château, the Meadow, Opus 161) 1887 Oil on canvas, 66.36 × 82.55 cm Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas A meadow dotted with trees is separated from a rustic house by a low fence. A…

Le Marché aux poissons, Dieppe, temps gris, matin (1902)

Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) Le Marché aux poissons, Dieppe, temps gris, matin (The Fish Market, Dieppe: Grey Weather, Morning) 1902 Oil on canvas, 65.41 × 80.96 cm Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Starting in the 1890s, Pissarro turned increasingly toward the depiction of…

Mont Saint-Michel, soleil couchant (1897)

Signac, Paul (1863-1935) Mont Saint-Michel, soleil couchant (Mont Saint-Michel, Setting Sun) 1897 Oil on canvas, 66.04 × 81.6 cm Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas In 1897 Paul Signac made a series of seven paintings of Mont Saint-Michel, a medieval monastery on…

Autoportrait à la palette (c.1898)

Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) Autoportrait à la palette (Self Portrait with Palette) c.1898 Oil on canvas, 53.02 × 30.48 cm Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Pissarro experienced a chronic eye disease at the end of his life. Because of frequent eye infections, he…

Place du Théâtre-Français, effet de brouillard (1897)

Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) Place du Théâtre-Français, effet de brouillard (Place du Theatre Francais: Fog Effect) 1897 Oil on canvas, 54.61 × 66.36 cm Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Pissarro painted Place du Théâtre Français from his room at the Grand Hôtel du…

Herbeux berge de rivière (1881-1882)

Seurat, Georges (1859-1891) Herbeux berge de rivière (Grassy Riverbank) 1881–1882 Oil on canvas, 32.7 × 40.64 cm Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas In 1881 and 1882, Georges Seurat spent hours along the shores of the River Seine, northwest of Paris.…