Tag: donkey

L’été (1873)

Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824-1898) L’été (Summer) 1873 Oil on canvas, 350 × 507 cm Musée d’Orsay, Paris Study: Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824-1898) L’été before 1873 National Gallery, London     Compare: Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824-1898) L’été 1891 Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland    

Adorazione dei pastori (late 15th-early 16th century)

Signorelli, Luca (c.1445-1523) Adorazione dei pastori (Adoration of the Shepherds) late 15th-early 16th century Oil on canvas (probably transferred from wood), 163 × 163.5 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Compare: Signorelli, Luca (c.1445-1523) Adorazione dei pastori c.1496 National Gallery, London    

Le matin (s.d.)

Millet, Jean-François (1814-1875) Le matin (Morning) s.d. Wood engraving on chine collé, 15 x 22 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York From the series, “Four Times of the Day” (1830–1875). Compare: Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890) Le Matin, d’après Millet 1890 Hermitage…

Le Matin, d’après Millet (1890)

Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890) Le Matin, d’après Millet (Morning, Going to Work, after Millet) 1890 Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Compare: Millet, Jean-François (1814-1875) Le matin s.d. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York    

The Flight into Egypt (1462)

Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) The Flight into Egypt 1462 Oil on wood, 47 x 26 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Triptych Left panel: Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) Saint John the Baptist 1462 Musée du Louvre, Paris     Right panel: Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) Saint…

Bacchanale (1625-1626)

Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665) Bacchanale (Bacchanal) 1625–1626 Oil on canvas, 122 x 169 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid This is a traditional scene from the iconography of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. It depicts his meeting with Ariadne on the island…

Bacco e Arianna (1520-1523)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Bacco e Arianna (Bacchus and Ariadne) 1520–1523 Oil on canvas, 176.5 x 191 cm National Gallery, London Titian’s Bacchus and Ariadne is one of the finest and most famous paintings in the National Gallery. The Cretan princess Ariadne has…

Riposo nella fuga in Egitto (c.1620)

Gentileschi, Orazio (1563-1639) Riposo nella fuga in Egitto (The Rest on the Flight into Egypt) c.1620 Oil on canvas, 175.6 × 218 cm National Gallery, London On loan from Birmingham Museums Trust on behalf of Birmingham City Council. Compare: Gentileschi, Orazio…