Tag: Francesco II Gonzaga

Madonna della Vittoria (4th quarter of the 15th century)

Mantegna, Andrea (c.1431-1506) Madonna della Vittoria (The Virgin of Victory) 4th quarter of the 15th century Tempera on poplar, 285 x 168 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris The Virgin and Child surrounded by six saints (Michael, Andrew, Longinus, George, Elizabeth, the young…

Andrea Mantegna

(c.1431–1506) The artist’s works: L’Adorazione dei pastori shortly after 1450 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Polittico di San Luca 1453–1454 Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano Madonna col Bambino tra serafini e cherubini c.1454 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Presentazione al Tempio…