Tag: Ghent

Ghent altarpiece (1432)

Van Eyck, Jan (c.1390-1441) Ghent altarpiece 1432 Oil on oak panel, 340 x 520 cm Saint Bavo’s Cathedral, Ghent Ghent altarpiece closed. The central panel: Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. The donor, Jodocus Vijdt (d.1439) The donor’s wife, Lysbette Borluut…

Saint Bavo’s Cathedral (Ghent)

Consecrated: 942 Completed: 1628 Address: Sint-Baafsplein 1, 9000 Ghent, Belgium Website: https://www.sintbaafskathedraal.be/en/ Works of Art: • Van Eyck, Jan (c.1390-1441): Ghent altarpiece (1432) See also: • Bavo of Ghent | Cathedrals | Churches | Ghent (Belgium)

Ghent (Belgium)

Churches: • Saint Bavo’s Cathedral: Sint-Baafsplein, 9000 Ghent Saints: • Bavo of Ghent Births: • Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1500-1558) See also: • Cities | Belgium

Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor)

(1500–1558) Holy Roman Emperor (1519–1558) King of Spain, as Carlos I (1516–1556) Charles V in Art: Cranach, Lucas the Elder (1472-1553) Portrait of the Emperor Charles V 1533 Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid     Seisenegger, Jakob (1505-1567) Emperor Charles V 1532 Kunsthistorisches…