Tag: girl

Jeune fille lisant (1880)

Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919) Jeune fille lisant (Reading Girl) 1880 Oil on canvas, 57 x 47.5 cm Städel Museum, Frankfurt Renoir, like all Impressionists, was interested in motifs from everyday life. This way he could show his models in private moments: by concentrating…

Melancholy (1906-1907)

Munch, Edvard (1863-1944) Melancholy (The Reinhardt Frieze) 1906–1907 Tempera on canvas, 87 x 156 cm Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin In 1906, Munch was commissioned by the Berlin theatre director Max Reinhardt to create a picture frieze for a hall on the upper…

Julie Rêveuse (1894)

Morisot, Berthe (1841-1895) Julie Rêveuse (Julie Daydreaming) 1894 Oil on canvas Private collection See also: • Manet, Julie (1878-1966)

Fille assise sous un arbre (c.1893-1894)

Morisot, Berthe (1841-1895) Fille assise sous un arbre (A girl seated under a tree) c.1893–1894 Watercolor on paper, 23.3 x 36.1 cm British Museum, London Compare: Manet, Julie (1878-1966) Femme assise au Bois de Boulogne 1893–1894 British Museum, London     The watercolour…

La Première Sortie (1876-1877)

Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919) La Première Sortie (At the Theatre) 1876–1877 Oil on canvas, 65 × 49.5 cm National Gallery, London We seem to be sitting in a box at the theatre, which we share with two young women. But we can’t be…