Tag: glory

La Trasfigurazione (1516-1520)

Raffaello (1483-1520) La Trasfigurazione (The Transfiguration) 1516–1520 Tempera grassa on wood, 410 x 279 cm Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vaticano Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici (the future pope Clement VII) commissioned two paintings for the cathedral of S. Giusto of Narbonne, the city of which…

Pala di Gambassi (1527-1528)

Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Pala di Gambassi, Madonna con Bambino in gloria e Santi (Gambassi Altarpiece, Virgin and Child in Glory with Six Saints) 1527–1528 Oil on panel, 209 x 176 cm Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze This is the central panel of…

Apoteosi dei Medici (early 1680s)

Giordano, Luca (1634-1705) Apoteosi dei Medici (Apotheosis of the Medici) early 1680s Oil on canvas, 139 x 65.2 cm National Gallery, London This modello, or detailed oil study, is one of a group of 12 paintings – ten of which are in…

Cristo glorificato nella corte del cielo (c.1423-1424)

Angelico, Fra (c.1395-1455) Cristo glorificato nella corte del cielo (Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven) c.1423–1424 Egg tempera on wood, 31.7 x 73 cm National Gallery, London Christ, hovering on wispy clouds, is surrounded by angels who sing, dance and play…

The Garden in Its Glory (1892)

Hassam, Childe (1859-1935) The Garden in Its Glory 1892 Watercolor on paper, 50.6 x 35.2 cm Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington See also: • Appledore Island, ME (USA) | Thaxter, Celia (1835-1894)