Tag: harpsichord

Marsia e Olimpo (1597-1600)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Marsia e Olimpo (Marsyas and Olympus) 1597–1600 Oil on wood, 34.4 x 84.2 cm National Gallery, London A naked golden-haired youth sits on a rock, playing the panpipes; another set of pipes hangs from the tree behind him.…

Autoritratto alla spinetta (1577)

Fontana, Lavinia (1552-1614) Autoritratto alla spinetta (Self-portrait at the spinet) 1577 Oil on canvas, 27 x 23.8 cm Accademia di San Luca, Roma Inscription: LAVINIA VIRGO PROSPERI FONTANAE FILIA EX SPECULO IMMAGINEM ORIS SUI EXPRESSIT ANNO MDLXXVII (Lavinia, virgin, daughter of…