Tag: ivory

Saliera (1540-1543)

Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571) Saliera (Salt Cellar) 1540–1543 Gold, enamel, ebony, ivory, 28.5 × 21.5 × 26.3 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna The only extant work in gold by this Florentine artist already famous during his lifetime, Cellini’s masterpiece is far more than a…

Una donna che si mette dei fiori nei capelli (c.1710)

Carriera, Rosalba (1675-1757) Una donna che si mette dei fiori nei capelli (A Woman Putting Flowers in Her Hair) c.1710 Watercolor on ivory in a tortoiseshell pique-point frame, 8.6 x 10.5 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Scholars generally agree that…

Ritratto d’uomo (c.1710)

Carriera, Rosalba (1675-1757) Ritratto d’uomo (Portrait of a Man) c.1710 Ivory, 76 x 59 mm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Carriera was known throughout Europe for her pastel portraits, but she also pioneered the use of ivory as a support…