(1755–1831) née Sarah Kemble Sarah Siddons in Art: Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-1788) Mrs Siddons 1785 National Gallery, London Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Infant Hercules Strangling Serpents 1786 Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Born July 5 1755 Brecon (Wales) Died June 8 1831 London (England) Occupation…
Tag: June 8
Tomaso Albinoni
George Sand
Sir John Everett Millais
(1829–1896) Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Baronet, RA The artist’s works: Aeneas Shown the Body of Pallas 1843 Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Sketch for The Woodman’s Daughter 1850 Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton Mariana 1851 Tate Britain, London Ophelia 1851–1852 Tate Britain, London…
Beatrice Portinari
(c.1266–1290) Beatrice “Bice” di Folco Portinari de’ Bardi Beatrice in Art: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Beata Beatrix c.1864–1870 Tate Britain, London Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Beata Beatrix 1871–1872 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Dantis Amor 1860 Tate…