Tag: Leonardo

Sigmund Freud

(1856–1939) Sigismund Schlomo Freud Works: • A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis (English) • Das Unheimliche (German) • Der Moses des Michelangelo (German) • Die Traumdeutung (German) • Group Psychology and The Analysis of The Ego (English) • Leonardo da Vinci…

Charles I (England)

(1600–1649) King of England (1625–1649) King of Ireland (1625–1649) King of Scotland (1625–1649) Charles I in Art: Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) The Apotheosis of James I c.1628–1630 Tate Britain, London     Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) The Union of England and Scotland…

Battesimo di Cristo (c.1470-1475)

Verrocchio (1435-1488) & Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Battesimo di Cristo (The Baptism of Christ) c.1470–1475 Tempera and oil on wood, 177 x 151 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze The artist had the collaboration of his young pupil Leonardo, who executed the figure of…

David (c.1466-1469)

Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-1488) David c.1466–1469 Partially gilded bronze, 125 cm Museo del Bargello, Firenze See also: • Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Andrea del Verrocchio

(1435–1488) Andrea di Michele di Francesco de’ Cioni, called “Il Verrocchio” The artist’s works: San Girolamo c.1460 Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze Studio di panneggio late 1460s-early 1470s Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago David c.1466–1469 Museo del Bargello, Firenze Madonna col Bambino e due angeli c.1467–1469…

Beatrice d’Este

(1475–1497) Duchess of Bari (1491–1497) Duchess of Milan (1494–1497) Lady of Genova (1494–1497)   Born June 29 1475 Ferrara (Italia) Died January 2 1497 Milano (Italia) Cause of death Childbirth Buried Santa Maria delle Grazie (Milano) Husband (1491-1497) Ludovico Sforza…

Ludovico Sforza (Ludovico il Moro)

(1452–1508) Ludovico Maria Sforza, called Ludovico il Moro Duke of Bari (1479–1499) Duke of Milan (1494–1499) Lord of Genova (1494–1499) Ludovico il Moro in Art: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Ritratto di musico c.1485 Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano     Works commissioned by him:…

Château du Clos Lucé (Amboise)

Manoir du Cloux Chastelet du Cloux Built: middle of the fifteenth century Location: 2 Rue du Clos Lucé, 37400 Amboise Website: https://www.vinci-closluce.com/en The garden of Leonardo. The helicopter. The paddle wheel. The secret tunnel to the castle. The great room.…