Tag: Liberalism


(1689–1755) Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu Works: • Esprit des lois (French) • Le temple de Gnide (French) • Lettres persanes, tome I (French) • Lettres persanes, tome II (French) • Persialaisia kirjeitä (Finnish) Born…

Benedetto Croce

(1866–1952) Works: • Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic (English) • Ariosto, Shakespeare and Corneille (English) • Historical materialism and the economics of Karl Marx (English) • Logic as the Science of the Pure Concept (English) • The…


(1694–1778) François-Marie Arouet Works: • A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 1 (English) • A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 2 (English) • A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 3 (English) • A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 4 (English) • A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 5 (English) •…

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

(1712–1778) Works: • A Discourse Upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind (English) • Emile (English) • Émile eli Kasvatuksesta (Finnish) • Les Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire (French) • Quotes and Images From The Confessions (English)…