Gérôme, Jean-Léon (1824-1904) Jeunes grecs à la mosquée (Young Greeks in the Mosque) 1865 Oil on panel, 37.8 x 27.3 cm Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis
Gérôme, Jean-Léon (1824-1904) Prière à la mosquée (Prayer in the Mosque) 1871 Oil on canvas, 88.9 x 74.9 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Gérôme painted this scene, which depicts the interior of the seventh-century mosque of ‘Amr in Cairo, after…
Bellini, Gentile (c.1429-1507) & Bellini, Giovanni (c.1430-1516) Predica di San Marco in una piazza di Alessandria d’Egitto (Saint Mark Preaching in a Square of Alexandria in Egypt) 1504–1507 Oil on canvas, 347 x 770 cm Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano The…