Tag: moustache

Matrimonio mistico di santa Caterina (1510-1514)

Correggio (c.1489-1534) Matrimonio mistico di santa Caterina (The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine) 1510–1514 Oil on panel, 136.2 × 123.2 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Compare: Correggio (c.1489-1534) Matrimonio mistico di santa Caterina 1510–1515 National Gallery of Art, Washington     Correggio (c.1489-1534) Matrimonio…

Dantis Amor (1860)

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Dantis Amor (Dante’s Love) 1860 Oil on mahogany, 74.9 x 81.3 cm Tate Britain, London «L’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle.» (Love that moves the sun and the other stars). Dante, Paradiso, XXXIII, v. 145. See also:…

San Pietro (1604-1606)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) San Pietro (Saint Peter) 1604–1606 Fresco transferred to canvas Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Mural Paintings from the Herrera Chapel.

San Paolo (1604-1606)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) San Paolo (Saint Paul) 1604–1606 Fresco transferred to canvas Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Mural Paintings from the Herrera Chapel.

La guarigione del cieco nato (1604-1606)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) La guarigione del cieco nato (Healing the Man Born Blind) 1604–1606 Fresco transferred to canvas Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Mural Paintings from the Herrera Chapel.

Padre Eterno (1604-1606)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Padre Eterno (Everlasting Father) 1604–1606 Fresco transferred to canvas Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Mural Paintings from the Herrera Chapel.

Apostoli intorno al sepolcro vuoto (1604-1606)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Apostoli intorno al sepolcro vuoto (Apostles around the Empty Sepulchre) 1604–1606 Fresco transferred to canvas Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona Mural Paintings from the Herrera Chapel.