Tag: net

La pêcheuse (4th quarter of the 19th century)

Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824-1898) La pêcheuse (The Fisherwoman) 4th quarter of the 19th century Oil on canvas, 41 x 33 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Dedicated “to Miss Alix Massé, her cordially devoted P. Puvis de Chavannes”.

Pescador (1956)

Rivera, Diego (1886-1957) Pescador (Fisherman) 1956 Tempera and black crayon on paper, 63 x 48.2 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Diego Rivera created this drawing during the last year of his life. While living on the Pacific coast of Mexico,…

Dad’s Coming! (1873)

Homer, Winslow (1836-1910) Dad’s Coming! 1873 Oil on wood, 22.9 x 34.9 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington A woman holding a baby stands near a young boy who perches in the tipped-up end of a rowboat that has been pulled…

La vocazione degli apostoli Pietro e Andrea (1308-1311)

Duccio di Buoninsegna (c.1255-c.1319) La vocazione degli apostoli Pietro e Andrea (The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew) 1308–1311 Tempera on panel, 42.7 × 45.5 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington This painting was part of the predella (the bottom tier)…

Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman (1505)

Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman 1505 Spruce, 33 × 24.5 × 2.7 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Inscribed at the top in the middle with the monogram, dat. 1505 We don’t know who the charming young lady is,…

Seashore with Fishermen (1781-1782)

Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-1788) Seashore with Fishermen 1781–1782 Oil on canvas, 101.9 x 127.6 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Gainsborough‘s landscapes are highly personal statements that evolved from ideas and images he developed in his studio, either directly on canvas or…

La pêche (1862-1863)

Manet, Édouard (1832-1883) La pêche (Fishing) c.1862–1863 Oil on canvas, 76.8 x 123.2 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Patterned after elements in landscapes by Peter Paul Rubens, the present painting gives currency to Delacroix‘s recommendation to Manet: “Look…