Tag: Order

Allegoria della Prudenza (early 1680s)

Giordano, Luca (1634-1705) Allegoria della Prudenza (Allegory of Prudence) early 1680s Oil on canvas, 99.7 x 95.2 cm National Gallery, London This modello, or detailed oil study, is one of a group of 12 that Giordano made in preparation for the ceiling frescoes…

Allegoria della Giustizia (early 1680s)

Giordano, Luca (1634-1705) Allegoria della Giustizia (Allegory of Justice) early 1680s Oil on canvas, 99.9 × 96 cm National Gallery, London This modello, or detailed oil study, is one of a group of 12 that Giordano made in preparation for the ceiling frescoes…

Mercury Ordering Calypso to Release Odysseus (c.1680)

Lairesse, Gérard de (1641-1711) Mercury Ordering Calypso to Release Odysseus c.1680 Oil on canvas, 132 x 96 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam During his wanderings, Odysseus encounters the nymph Calypso, who falls in love with him and holds him captive on her island.…