Tag: Perugino

San Sebastiano (1493-1494)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) San Sebastiano (St Sebastian) 1493–1494 Tempera, oil on linden panel, 53.8 x 39.5 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Sebastian was a Roman soldier who served in the private guard of the Emperor Diocletian. For his faith in the teachings…

San Sebastiano (c.1493)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) San Sebastiano (Saint Sebastian) c.1493 Metalpoint, 25.6 x 14.6 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland The Florentine painter Perugino made drawings to record figural types and poses that could be repeated throughout his finished paintings. He used the elegant,…


(c.1454–1513) Bernardino di Betto Betti Bernardino di Betto di Biago The artist’s works: Madonna col Bambino benedicente c.1480 National Gallery, London Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente c.1480 National Gallery, London Capo di un giovane che guarda in alto c.1485 National Gallery of…

Filippino Lippi

(1457–1504) Filippo Lippi, called Filippino Lippi The artist’s works: Adorazione dei Magi c.1470 National Gallery, London Adorazione del Bambino c.1475–1480 National Gallery of Art, Washington Apparizione della Vergine a un frate francescano c.1475–1480 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest Incoronazione della Vergine c.1475 National…

Lorenzo di Credi

(c.1459–1537) Lorenzo d’Andrea d’Oderigo The artist’s works: Madonna della melagrana 1475–1480 National Gallery of Art, Washington Annunciazione 1480–1490 Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze Madonna col Bambino c.1480–1485 National Gallery, London Madonna che adora il Bambino early 1490s Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Ritratto di…

Andrea del Verrocchio

(1435–1488) Andrea di Michele di Francesco de’ Cioni, called “Il Verrocchio” The artist’s works: San Girolamo c.1460 Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze Studio di panneggio late 1460s-early 1470s Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago David c.1466–1469 Museo del Bargello, Firenze Madonna col Bambino e due angeli c.1467–1469…

Ludovico Sforza (Ludovico il Moro)

(1452–1508) Ludovico Maria Sforza, called Ludovico il Moro Duke of Bari (1479–1499) Duke of Milan (1494–1499) Lord of Genova (1494–1499) Ludovico il Moro in Art: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Ritratto di musico c.1485 Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano     Works commissioned by him:…

Cristo coronato di spine (c.1500-1505)

Probably Perugino (c.1446-1523) Cristo coronato di spine (Christ Crowned with Thorns) c.1500–1505 Oil on wood, 40.3 x 32.4 cm National Gallery, London Christ is shown as a prisoner, a rope around his neck. He wears a crown of thorns and a purple…

L’Arcangelo Raffaele con Tobia (c.1496-1500)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) L’Arcangelo Raffaele con Tobia (The Archangel Raphael with Tobias) c.1496–1500 Oil and egg temera on poplar, 113.3 x 56.5 cm National Gallery, London This was the right panel of the predella of an altarpiece made for the Duke of Milan,…